Practice News
Time to Talk Day
Today is ‘Time to Talk’ day, it’s a day for friends, families, communities and workplaces to be more open about […]
Are you taking part in Dry January
This Dry January be aware that there isn’t a completely safe amount of alcohol you can drink, but you are […]
Norovirus Advice
Norovirus is a stomach bug that causes diarrhoea and vomiting. It can be very unpleasant, but usually goes away in […]
Cold spells can cause breathing problems
Cold spells can cause breathing problems if you have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). As temperatures drop this week, make […]
Closed for New Years Day
Please remember that we are closed today for New Years Day. We will reopen as normal tomorrow (Thursday 2nd January […]
We are open as normal today.
We are open as normal today.
Order your repeat prescriptions to cover Christmas
Please don’t forget to submit your repeat prescription requests to ensure you have enough medication to cover you for the […]
Your local Pharmacy can help with a number of ailments
Did you know that you don’t always need to see the GP? Your local Pharmacy can help with the following:
Look out for those needing more help during the cold snap
As temperatures have dropped, remember that other people such as older neighbours, friends and family members, may need some extra […]
Contraception Services are free on the NHS
Contraception services are free and confidential on the NHS – including for young people under the age of 16. See […]